2.3.2019 13:02 MODLITBA ZA NÁROD
Ti zaměstnanci Ministerstva práce a sociálních věcí, kteří neumějí maďarsky (Évértékelö beszéde), mohou použít oficiální anglický (State of the Nation), německý (Lage der Nation) či francouzský (L’état de la Nation) překlad projevu Viktora Orbána o stavu země, aby se poučili, jak by mohla vypadat prorodinná politika, aby národ přežil.
„Tisztelt Köztársasági Elnök Úr ! Tisztelt Miniszterelnök Úr ! Házelnök és Föpolgármester Urak ! Tisztelt Hölgyeim és Uraim !
Örülök, hogy újra itt látom Önöket…“
(Viktor Orbán, 10.2.2019)
„As a country we have exceeded our potential in supporting those who live for their children, but we have been neither understanding nor lenient with those who don’t want to live for their children, but want to live off their children…I am now announcing a seven-point family protection action plan…“
1. We will introduce an allowance that is designed to encourage young married couples to have children. Every woman under age of forty who marries for the first time will be eligible for a preferential loan of 10 million forints to start their new lives. After the birth of a child we will suspend repayment of the loan for three years, and after the arrival of a second child we will suspend it for another three years, and write off one third of the principal debt. If a third child is born, we will cancel the remaining part of the loan in its entirety.
2. We will extend the preferential credit provided by CSOK (family housing benefit). Families with two or more children will also be allowed to use their loans for the purchase of existing properties…This means that today young married couples agreeing to have two children are eligible for grants worth 22 million forints for starting their lives and creating their fisrt homes, while families agreeing to have three children are eligible for grants worth 35 million forints.
3. So far we have assumed one milion forints from the mortgage loans of large families upon the birth of the third and every further child thereafter. We have extended this option now: already upon the birth of the second child we will assume one milion forints, we will assume 4 million forints upon the birth of the third child, and another one milion forints upon the birth of each further child.
4. I hereby announce that women who have given birth to and raised minimum four children will be exempt from the payment of personal income tax for the rest of their lives.
5. We will launch a car purchase programme for large families. We will provide a non-repayable grant of 2,5 million forints for families raising minimum three children for the purchase of new cars with at least seven seats.
6. We will provide comprehensive nursery care. In order to have enough nursery places, over a period of three years we will need 21.000 new places. We will build 10.000 of these up to the end of this year, and another 5.000 and 6.000 in 2020 and 2021, respectively.
7. We will introduce child care allowance for grandparents. In the future, if the parents so decide, the grandparents will be able to go on child care allowance instead of them.
Maďarsky hovořící zaměstnanci MPSV neznatelně pohybují rty, když se modlí:
„Nincs megírva az emberiség nagykönyvében, hogy csehek márpedig lenniük kell a világon. Ez csak a mi szívünkben van megírva…“
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